Time Time Again Rpg Pdf

Fourth dimension & Time Again

The Fourth dimension Travel Office Playing Game

Writer: H. Due north. Voss & West. P. Worzel
Publisher: Timeline Ltd.
Published Year: 1984
Available Formats: Print $19.95

Everyone has a favorite roleplaying theme. Some like medieval fantasy, hard sci-fi, bleak mail-apocalyptic, etc. When information technology comes to roleplaying themes, I'm partial to time-travel. Though looking at my shelves, it would speak differently. There are not that many roleplaying games focused on fourth dimension travel. More often, y'all will find time travel as part of another game, but rarely it is the central theme. Time & Time Once again is one of those unique games that devotes its theme to time travel.

Time & Time Over again or T2 as its chosen is set in the alternative timeline of the 1990s or 2000s. There is no difficult timeline to requite an accurate date. In this alternative timeline, the devastating war in 1992 births man'due south ability to time travel. The warring factions of the '92 war mimic the same hostile entities to the U.s.a., as establish in the 1980s. An explanation of how the war began is detailed in the outset pages of T2. It involved many countries with the ii superpowers taking middle stage. A brilliant Japanese graduate student names Mudashi emerged out of the war with a theory on how to travel through time.

Mudashi took his theory and secretly adult the kickoff time translation device in Chicago at the lab he worked at shortly after the war ended. Not long afterward, Mudashi vanished. Peradventure taking a ane-way trip into the past. No one knows what happened to him. It wasn't until his disappearance that his work on time travel was discovered. The newly formed World Government seized all of Mudashi's Temporal Translation enquiry and assigned classified scientists to brand utilise of it. It took the scientists years to empathise Mudashi notes, merely they finally did, and fourth dimension travel became a reality.

Following the war of '92, the Un began its boring descent, and a new World Authorities (WG) sprang forth. Along with this new governing body came its armed services might, the World Government Force (WGF). Modeled after the French Strange Legion, many of its titles and workings mirrored the workings of the WGF. The WGF was non formed to dominate over other nation-states but to prevent some other 1992 state of war. Across decision-making the WGF, the World Government doesn't inject itself into other countries' internal affairs. The WG handles disaster relief and temporal diplomacy.

The World Government wasn't the only new entity to rise afterwards the '92 state of war. The expense of building and maintaining time travel facilities was quickly recognized. No one entity had the resource to do information technology. The World Federations of Colleges and Universities (WFCU) came together to share resources and work as one. The Earth Government speedily stepped in to prevented the WFCU from having access to temporal technologies. After careful negotiation, the WG allowed the WFCU to develop temporal technologies. But due to WFCU's earlier failures in this process, the World Regime stepped in one time over again an formed the Agency of Temporal Affairs (BTA) to oversee the WFCU. These 3 entities, WG, WFCU, and BTA, work together, though not ever and then nice, to oversee all temporal affairs.

Working in unison, the three entities fully develop a working time machine. The WFCU was quick to send information technology'south scholar into the past to report history showtime hand. Unfortunately, the scholars did not return fifty-fifty though the engineering was proven to work. It was apace realized that the scholars did not return not because of failure with the machine but considering they were killed past hostile entities in the past. This lead to the development of the Voltigeurs. The Voltigeurs is an armed service comprised of "survivors", hardy and resourceful individuals that would accompany scholars. These are the roles the players assume in Fourth dimension & Time Once again.

Running a time-traveling themed RPG tin can have its difficulties. The biggest difficultly is dealing with paradoxes. Time & Time Again circumnavigates paradoxes and other time-related problems past employing these truths.

  1. No thing how hard y'all try, you tin can't alter history. History is fixed and unwavering. The strange powers of time forbid anyone from altering it. That doesn't hateful actions taken past Voltigeurs are not tied to history. Their actions may play a role in history and they just don't know it even so.
  2. Yous tin't travel frontward in time. I know a lot of people would be happy to travel forwards in time and leave 2020 behind, but time is not an option in T2. Y'all tin simply be pushed into the past and pulled into the nowadays. Information technology's just the way it works.
  3. You shouldn't meet yourself in the past. If y'all do, y'all won't come back. In early tests, subjects sent back in fourth dimension to the same place and time never returned. It's suspected that they disappeared into nothingness, simply no one really knows what happened. BTA guidelines are to stay 50 miles of your former self for safety.
  4. You lot can't move an object in time into spaces already occupied. Meaning y'all can't materialize into rock or whatsoever other objects.
  5. You can't safely travel dorsum more than one-half a meg years. Even when traveling through time, things age. The rate of organic decomposition discovered through testing showed that a man traveling a one-half a meg years or more would return as a pile of grit.
  6. Y'all can't send metallic back, but you tin can bring it dorsum. This has to do with the corporeality of energy needed to push metal through fourth dimension. It takes less energy to pull. This prevents modern weapons and high-technology in the by.

With these truths in identify, the game alleviates a lot of headaches caused by time traveling. Simply more chiefly, it keeps modernistic technology out of the past and preserves the timeline.

The game mechanics for Time & Fourth dimension Again are very like to the Morrow Project RPG, also published by Timeline, TLD. Characters, the Voltigeurs, use six statistics to correspond themselves, Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Mental attitude, and Luck, with each value falling between iii-18. Hitting points are separated into Structure and Blood points, which are based on Str and Con. Structure points represent the corporeality of damage a specific trunk part can blot before condign useless likewise as the parts extending from it. Blood points represent the corporeality of blood loss from a wound. It'due south possible to receive a minor wound but dice of blood loss. T2 uses an extensive trunk hit location chart to determine the wounded area.

The Bureau of Temporal Affairs (BTA) oversees and trains the Voltigeurs. In that location are 4 categories of skills in T2 that the Voltigeurs are trained in, Knowledge, Survival, Social, and Itinerant Skills. Eight Cognition Skills are taught in the classroom and will increase with further study. At that place are twelve Survival Skills and eight Social Skills to aid a Voltigeur in any period. The final set of skills is Itinerant Skills. Afoot Skills are skills to help the Voltigeurs alloy in with the crowd or give them basic noesis of a trade like Wood Carver, Tinker, or Jewelist. Each Voltigeur receives bones training in each of the skills above. They can then specialize in specific skills and enhance it higher based on their intelligence. After basic preparation, increasing skills are accomplished from experience or further training. When a skill is used successfully in a mission, a Voltigeur can raise the skill level upon their render or monthly if the mission is to exceed ane month. Voltigeurs can also pay for additional instruction to heighten a skill.

Each Voltigeurs receives training in self-defense. Voltigeurs are taught to avoid fights and apply their best weapon, cognition. When gainsay is unavoidable, a Voltigeur is capable of defending themselves armed and unarmed. The BTA provides grooming for both. Unarmed combat falls into ii categories, strikes and throws. Strikes are physical attacks from the striker'southward body to the defender's body. A Voltigeurs is trained to employ their body as a weapon. Throws represent other types of brawling techniques like grappling, wrestling, or martial arts like Aikido. Throw acts in two parts. The first assault begins with getting agree of your opponent then performing the throw; both deportment utilizing the aforementioned base of operations take a chance of success.

Voltigeurs can also utilise defensive maneuvers in combat. Defensive maneuvers are broken into iii categories, blocks, dodges, and rolls. Blocks protect against incoming strikes or turning a strike into a counter-attack, simply it cannot preclude existence thrown. Dodges remove the body from strikes and can forbid a person from being thrown but can't exist used as a counter move. Rolls are used only when a person is being thrown to reduce the damage taken.

Voltigeurs can turn an attack confronting them into a counter-attack. There are ii types of counters, throws, and cast. A countered throw begins when the Voltigeur is near to be thrown themselves. They tin can attempt to counter by using their opposite's ain grip to throw them instead. A counter cast is when a Voltigeurs throws something similar a handful of sand or the like into an opponent's face. The BTA does not specifically railroad train Voltigeurs in counter-attacks. These types of attacks come up from feel and other training sources.

Armed gainsay consists of non-missile weapons and missile weapons. Non-missile weapons (melee) is used for strikes and defence force and missile for ranged attacks. Missile or projectile weapons in T2 utilize "E-Factor" to calculate the weapon's impairment similar the Morrow Project RPG (though the formula is dissimilar). The E-Gene is calculated past multiplying the size of the projectile in inches to its velocity, seconds per feet. The result is and so divided by 25 for the E-Factor. Non-missile weapons have a fix harm rating based on the weapon.

Combat in T2 is measured in Gainsay Turns, which represents five seconds. Within each turn, Voltigeurs can take X amount of actions based on the blazon of combat skill they are using, unarmed, armed, or a combination of the two. An example of combining the two looks like this. A Voltigeur strikes with their staff then follows through with their shoulder to knock their opponent prone. They could have also struck with their staff and and so choose to use it defensively confronting the next incoming strike. Combat in T2 works similar most other roleplaying games. I did not find annihilation in the rules to gauge it otherwise.

Fourth dimension & Time Again's nearly pregnant divergence from other roleplaying games is its use of a D200 system. Rolling a D200 in T2 is suggested in two means. The first style is to whorl a D20 numbered 0-19 and a D10 numbered 0-nine. The D20 result is multiplied by 10 and added to the effect of the D10. The 2d method uses a D20 numbered 1-20 with a D10 numbered 0-ix. The D20 issue is subtracted by 1 before it is multiplied past 10 and then added to the d10 effect. Results of 0 on both dice are counted every bit 200.

I'yard no skillful in dice mechanics or probabilities, but the ii methods seem overly complicated. I presume using a D20 (i-twenty) as the beginning 2 numbers of the result and a D10 (0-nine) as the tertiary number would work just also, without the need for multiplying, calculation, or subtracting. If I am wrong, please call me out. For example, a roll of 12 on a D20 (1-xx) and a 5 on a D10 (0-nine) would result in 125. The aforementioned upshot would occur if a D20 (0-19) with a D10 (0-9) is used (12 x 10 = 120+5=125). The merely breakdown of this procedure is if a 20 is rolled on the D20 (1-twenty) with anything else on the d10 (0-9) other than 0. At that bespeak, you would treat the 20 as 0, and the d10 roll is the only die that mattered. D20s aren't numbered 0-19. They are label 0-9 twice (D20-shaped D10s) or ane-twenty. The 0 in D10 shaped equally d20 have always represented 10s or 20s to me. Maybe it was viewed differently in 1984 or at to the lowest degree by T2's authors.

That completes the premise and mechanics of Time & Time Again, simply at that place is more. T2, similar all great games of that historic period it came in a box. Inside the box is Book One encompassing the setting and rules (outlined higher up), Volume two with information to aid in creating your ain adventures, ii folded tabloid-size leaflets with quick reference tables for weapons, game mechanics, and a character sheet for photocopying, and three folded tabloid-size take a chance leaflets, Quiet Days in Birka, Rescue In The Sacred Valley, and Just Moments Before Dark: The Fall Of Saigon. Sadly no die.

Before I wrap upwardly, I'd like to encompass Volume Two apace. Book two is used to help the gamemaster in creating their own adventures. Since adventures can have place in whatsoever era, Book Two covers climate, terrain, animals, economics, engineering, transportation, linguistic communication, government, and politics, ethics, and etiquette by providing general theories and practices for each discipline. The theory covers known facts nigh the field of study while practices help the gamemaster utilize these facts in an era. Book ii has no era-specific data. It is upward to the gamemaster to do their ain historical research and implore the theories and practices of the subjects above to flesh out their adventures.

I'k a fan of time travel in movies, T.V. shows, and roleplaying games. I like how T2 treats time travel with truths to prevent paradoxes or timeline abuse. An aspect of the game I have yet to mention is that Voltigeurs get to go on what they bring dorsum. In the truthful murder hobo way of the 1980s, Voltigeurs are encouraged to augment their salaries with the spoils they bring back from the past. Though with the time travel restrictions on metal objects, Voltigeurs will notice it easier to line their pockets with precious gems rather than metals.

I of the flaws with T2 is that all the action takes identify in other eras. When your back in the nowadays, there is no story other than training. No globe background other than the organization that oversees the Voltigeurs and time travel is talked nearly in T2. Despite this, T2 offers a great platform for the history enthusiast. Information technology allows the gamemaster to transport the players back in time to important periods in history, so they view witness history for themselves.

~Stephen Pennisi

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Source: https://rollingboxcars.com/2020/08/19/going-back-in-time-time-time-again-rpg/

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